martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Working with foam

Each year I like to do new things with foam, to decorate my classroom or as little presents for my students, like badges so I can identify them in the first day of school.

Hope you like some of the ideas. 

Name Badges


domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Marceline The Vampire Queen, (My Version!)

Marceline a Vampire with Personality!
Marceline is truly one a vamp who rescues today's way of seeing vampires. It doesn't matter if she only drinks the red from stuff and not blood but at least she doesn't sparkle  or lacks of personality, she's a very fun character and I really enjoy her in the show. Hope to see more of her.

This is the first time I've used SAI, It's ok  but... I prefer Photoshop.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

"I won't let anything else keep us apart"

Forever is a very strong word, as I said it before is something you can’t put in a promise and make it come true. Life is very unpredictable you will never know what’s next; most of things that could happen are situations we can’t control, like falling in love with someone else, depression or death.
“I won’t let anything else keep us apart”, for me is a very Shallow sentence, If somebody says that to you, don’t get your hopes on, life is not like the soap operas. Life hurts, are you willing to live it?

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Don't promise what you can't do

Always together?

There are things we say without thinking, like, "Forever", "Always" and "Never", but the true meaning is when you put them in a promise and you make it happen, 
but when you can't do it, does words turn in to lies. 
"Forever", "Always", and "Never" are tough words for a promise statement, even if you did it with good intensions in the past. Sometimes in life there are thing that happen and we can't  control. 

Becareful what you promise, you might not keep it and hurt others on the way. 

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Mean and Green!! The Little Shop of horrors

Audrey 2 the musical's best singer 

Lately I'm trying to do things that used to make me happy and put me with a big ear to ear smile. It is so hard to loose someone special and I know that only time will cure me. To kill time I'm watching old movies like "The Little Shop of horrors", this musical starring Rick Moranis, it really makes me feel so good, it is so sad to know that originally everybody dies and Audrey II gets away with it. So sad...

Made with colored pencils and photoshop.

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

"The Yappers"

I miss my students so much, I really enjoy teaching little kids but there's one little thing I don't like... and suddenly I'm starting to miss...And its when everybody starts to talk out  loud, and playing like they were puppies yapping all the time! It really drives me crazy but... its part of the job. One more week of vacations and then the Yaps will come again. I miss my little puppies. 

v. yapped, yap·ping, yaps
1. To bark sharply or shrilly; yelp.
2. Slang To talk noisily or stupidly; jabber.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Sad Zombie Kid

Sad Zombie kid
This is how I feel today, Apparently I did something different than what I usually do, maybe this is something good, and it's awkward and ironic, because this horrible feeling is making me bring out diferent styles. 

Sad Zombie Kid this is How I call it... no kid should be sad not even a zombie...

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

El Chapulín Colorado VS Superman?

Esta vez usé varias técnicas para llevar acabo esta ilustración y me tomo días, pero finalmente lo terminé.
Siempre quise saber como sería una contienda entre el Chapulín Colorado Contra Superman y siempre dije, "¡El Chapulín ganará!" y no es por nada pero las tiene todas de ganar debido a esa super arma que tiene, "La Chicharra Paralizadora". Porque si lo ven de esta manera le puede ganar a cualquiera. ¿Que no harías tu con la chicharra paralizadora?, mmm....

Por Favor comenten... (n.n)
¡¡El Chapulín las tiene todas para ganar!!
Close up del Chapulín

Close Up de Super Guy

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